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Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Rain catching system.


Big Dude said...


whkattk said...

The reinforcement needed to hold the weight of a rooftop garden must be incredible. But it sure is a great place for one.

VoenixRising said...

LOVE that first pic!

JiEL said...

What I suppose one no.2 those cone structures are to caption water and are open at their bases to fill some kind of reservoirs.

The last pics of this nice small house could be from a Québec province constructer which is making those and he deliver them all over the world, mainly in North America and in also many are going to California.

Called «mini house» very popular for a cabine and even for older retired people house.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who lived in a tiny house, for a while. It was the size of our bathroom - literally. And, it's not that big. I've had walk-in closets in previous homes that were bigger! I really don't know how she did it but she moved out of it fairly quickly - after the novelty wore off, I guess.

SickoRicko said...

Anon@3:20pm - I don't blame her! It's just a popular fad right now.

Xersex said...
