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Thursday, August 08, 2024


I copied and pasted this entire story. It may make you cry...

Dad Plans The Sweetest Surprise For His Beloved Dog On Her Final Walk

One day, while Reddit user Disastrous-Aspect569 (D.A.) was out for a stroll with his dog, Lexy, something happened that changed their walking routine from that point forward.

Passing by a bush on the roadside, something had caught Lexy’s attention. Turns out, at the base of the bush, she’d found a piece of discarded pork chop.

“When I saw her first snooping around the bush, I knew she found something after I saw her licking it,” D.A. told The Dodo. “When I saw what it was, I told her she'd hit the jackpot.”

The universe had gifted Lexy a surprise treat — and she enjoyed it thoroughly. But the pup couldn’t quite accept that it was a one-time thing.

From then on, whenever D.A. and Lexy passed by that bush, she always looked for more pork chops.

“Watching her check the bush was like watching a long-time friend buy a scratch-off ticket at the gas station he won at once,” D.A. said. “She did this for years.”

Sadly, however, despite all Lexy’s checking, the bush never did yield more pork chops.

That is, until one day in particular.

Before that day came, however, D.A. got the news that Lexy had cancer.

“I was devastated,” D.A. said. “I knew her time was coming fast. I took a few days off work. I needed to make every moment count for her, and make sure she didn’t pass alone.”

Even after that diagnosis, Lexy’s body frail and fatigued, she still dutifully checked the bush. That gave D.A. an idea, knowing soon he’d be taking her on her final walk.

“I called my boss from my part-time job and asked her to plant a couple of pork chops [under the bush] for her. She let me know when it was done,” D.A. said. “We went on our walk that day [and Lexy found them]. She laid down kind of gingerly and started munch­ing on them, in no hurry whatsoever, like she expected them to be there.”

That joyful moment, at long last, would be among D.A. and Lexy's last together.

It’s been 10 years now since Lexy passed away, her unending searches around the bush finally fulfilled — not by the randomness or chance, but by the person who loved her more than anything else in the world.

D.A. wouldn’t have had it any other way.

“She was absolutely my best friend,” he said.


Workmen and Rednecks said...

This is one of the most beautiful story of caring attention from a pet owner I have heard of. Thank you, D.A.. You sure made lovinggly right by Lexy until the end.

Ivan Flint said...

I too have a prime little love in my life. A Jack Russel Staffy cross, now 7 years old and my hearts delight. I dread the thought that her little life may already be half over and I almost grieve in anticipation.

Mistress Maddie said...

One of the best things I read all day!!!!!

whkattk said...

How absolutely sweet.

Jefe’ StClair said...

What a beautiful story…and yes it did make me cry…missing my own lil’ Baby Gurl (lil’ 80 lb choc lab🤣❤️🤣)…blessed with her for nearly 13 years and some of the best years so far…what our joy our “lil” animal friends are❤️❤️