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Friday, August 09, 2024



whkattk said...

Nothing will be done until the Dems have a proper majority in Congress and hold the Oval. Then, by golly, they better not waste it!

Cdadbr said...

The Uvalde, TX events, followed by the Butler, PA events, tend to prove that LAW ENFORCEMENT needs a better hierarchy of command. In Uvalde, when the state and higher operatives arrived, they should have been briefed by the locals and THEN THEY became the "ones in charge" and a quick resolution should have followed.

In the PA situation, the Secret Service should have been the ONLY people involved, leaving the locals to parking lot and traffic duties. Even as screeners at the entry gates, too. With the Feds actively controlling everything else. EVERYBODY on the same radio frequencies (one frequency for normal chatter and another special one for immediate emergency notifications).

Make these situations the LEARNING SITUATIONS they should be, finding out what went wrong, why, AND FIXING THEM! Forget the finger-pointing and posturing, JUST FIX THEM, PERIOD!

JiEL said...

Nothing will change in USA as long as that damnit Second Amendment could be really applyed as your founding fathers attended it to be done. AND don't forget the then weapons were one shot muskets.

Mass shootings in our Canadian schools, colleges or university are very very rare even if some poeple here have mental issues. The main difference is that NO weapons like AR-15 types are forbidden. Even hunting riffles cannot have more than a 5 bullets magasine.

Only in USA you see them and doing such mass shooter emergency practices in schools.
I'm a retired teacher after 37 years of teaching in high schools and NEVER had to do such practices. Once a year, mostly in September, we did fire practice to see how much time we could evacuate the school in case of fire.

Milleson said...

WOW!!! That last one. Right to the blood and guts of the issue. Profoundly impactful to me. My esteem for our teachers has been very high for many years now, with what they have to contend in their classrooms on a daily basis.