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I REPEAT: If you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024



Anonymous said...

Well I see you are still the same stupid ass as always. You are a hateful piece of crap that is responsible for the violence in this country. You typical of most outdated fags. You get your jollies off outdated old hags and fags that still have a warped sense of reality. It’s fitting that you support that senile fuck and his west coast hoe. You’re from the same used up old mold that he is from and can’t think beyond your gaping butt hole which you’ve spent most your life trying to please.

Milleson said...

For Anonymous @ 2:40 AM - Please be careful and always aware of your surroundings. With an attitude like yours, there may be a troubled and mentally unstable 22 year old registered republican with an AR-15 in your future. Just sayin'...

Cdadbr said...

Seems like GWBush made lots of gaffes. Nobody ever wanted him to resign because of that! People just looked the other way, generally. Even younger people can make gaffes, when they get so excited about things!

Yes, Biden is an older male. His gait indicates that, yet 30-something "know it alls" perceive he should be as agile as they are. Wait until THEY get old and people talk about them "being old". See how they feel, then!

All Joe Biden needs is some normal TRT to get his hormone levels back up to where they used to be, plus the other non-sexual benefits thereof. Maybe some dedicated time on a treadmill, too. Just like OTHER older male humans need for their best health!

In the mean time . . . Dems need to get their plan together to get some of the younger guns ready to be President! They're already two cycles late!

LeftField said...

Well I see you are still the same stupid ass as always. You are a hateful piece of crap that is responsible for the violence in this country. can’t think beyond your gaping butt hole which you’ve spent most your life trying to please.

You just can't stay off this site, can you? It's like a drug. An adrenaline rush.

whkattk said...

Now, now guys...Anonymous is just riled up over the shooting incident that we all caused because we're just that well-funded and devious.

whkattk said...

Now, now guys...Anonymous is just riled up over the weekend shooting incident that we caused because we're all that well-funded and devious, dontchaknow. He left the same comment on my blog --- because he was surprised I didn't have anything to say about the incident.

'Course, he thinks neither Rock or I are willing to let his comments stay up. He can't remember that ****WE**** aren't the ones trying to censor and ban writings.

JiEL said...

For Anonymous @ 2:40 AM,

Always very special to read your twisted and biased comments as it's some of a blinded guy who will drink any conservative cool-aid without looking to what your own God blessed guru did say or do since 2015.

HE is the one who incited violence and will use the army to fight any lawfull manifestation in the furure.

The Republikkkans are now more and more a party of the white-straight-Evangelical men to rule like in ther 50's where women and black people were denied any rights.

With Vance as a future VP, tRump is setting in concret that white man having an immigrant as wife even is the party is against immigration.
Vance's wife is an Indian immigrant and this shows how hypocrite are your nominees to lead the MAGA ex GOP party.

What I see for you USA is after 2025, with tRump as president, both chambers in Congress having GOP's majorities and with the SCOTUS ultra religious conservative, is a country going backward leaning toward the same ultra religious sharia islamic countries.

You are shouting to have freedom and live in a democratic country but this will be in your past as 45 will morph into a 47 as a king or even a dictator.

PS. I will never understand women, black and latinos and any LGBTQ people to join this ultra religious conservative party.

PS.2 Saw MTG praising GOD for saving the life of DJT like if DJT was a savior. This isn't a political party but a cult where every sheeps will follow their leader over a cliff.

uptonking said...

That last one... and quite frankly, the lack of fact-checking during that debate? Everything else was optics. Yep. Joe is old. But that just mean Kamala could be our first black female president!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Nice you must be or delete your ass I will."
What are you waiting for, Rick? We have endured enough venom being spewed from the mouth of this troll. Delete and block him and let's move on. Put him out with yesterday's trash and be done with him! He warrants no more attention from us.

SickoRicko said...

Everyone (except that stupid ass) - Great comments!

Anonymous said...

Anon is such a troll.
Perhaps Bannon, when he’s out of prison, can set up anon to join him on one of the yachts of his oligarch friends of Russia and China and model footwear for women by that grifter named Ivanka.
Of course anon would just be another fool that toxic Trump will throw under the bus, just like all his other fools. -Rj