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Saturday, July 13, 2024


Trump injured in shooting at Penn­syl­vania rally.


JiEL said...

I saw it live on TV and all the aftermat on CNN.

As a Canadian I'm not surprised of what happened.
I also saw coming on internet sad memes about it saying:good try, sorry you missed...

What is going on in USA is the result of all the hate spreading everywhere and with the culture of no guns control you could only expect such aweful things to happen.

As many, Canadians included, we don't like Mr Trump but never as a Christian or a moral belief we would go and try to kill a man.

I don't know how Republicans or even Trump will take the lesson but hope they could be faced with the fact that guns are too many in the States and anyone can use them to kill anyone even a former president or even a kid in school.

It's another sad day for USA and Americans.

Milleson said...

@ JiEL - I'm not watching any media now through Nov. 5th so I missed this news. I was involved in something much more important, attending a remembrance gathering for my very best gal pal of 50 years at one of her son's house. The best part of me died 18 months ago. I have priorities an following this campaign is not one of them.

To your point, I also condemn this type of behavior from any person, group or political party, but unfortunately, this is where we are in this country, and from my viewpoint, the intended target is mostly responsible for the hate, anger and violence that has taken over. His dangerous rhetoric has given voice to his followers that they are justified to feel as he does. But that works both ways. Whatever the shooter's motive, his anger and hate for a political ideology with which he did not agree led him to commit this act. Did I want him dead? Absolutely not. He must not appear to be a martyr and garner sympathy, he must lose this election legally and decisively. It appears that the power behind this Project 2025 is already planning to invalidate the election results if he loses. Lastly, if this scenario had involved Biden, you can be sure the memes and hateful comments would be forthcoming from the other side.

Yes, that is where this country is; yes, guns are part of the problem; yes, this is a sad day for America and its people.

VoenixRising said...

SO close.

I'm already convinced this is a false flag operation orchestrated by Trump and his own people. I mean, we KNOW he's trying to emulate Hitler (see: Reichstag Fire). He's gotten nothing but negative press recently because of his worsening dementia and Project 2025. He needed to play victim and draw attention away from all that negative press.

If he had been truly injured, would he be preventing the SS from rushing him offstage so he could give a fist bump to the crowd? I think not.

Anonymous said...

Yep. Agreed. My immediate thought when a friend notified of the event. A put up job.

Infidel753 said...

The idea of it being staged or a false flag doesn't make sense. The risk of actually killing Trump would have been much too great. Using fake or non-lethal ammunition would have been detected as soon as the authorities recovered the bullet(s), and in any case one rallygoer actually did die.

People willing to use violence for political reasons do exist. There's no need to descend into wingnut-style conspiratardia.

LeftField said...

I hit the Thoughts and Prayers button immediately after it happened.
What else could I do?

Anonymous said...

Trump was shot at by one of his OWN extremist Republicans. Trump has encouraged violence with his constant and virulent rhetoric. Pathetically his own followers end up dead because of Trump, four on Jan 6 and now three more. Already Republicans in true form are deflecting and blaming President Biden and Democrats. And in Wisconsin the RNC and convention organizers are now telling Republicans to be careful of THEIR violent rhetoric, we all know that won’t last long. Trump has encouraged and emboldened Republican extremism and now they act shocked by its outcome and the violent actions of one of their own. Keep in mind these are the same people that will tell you that the deaths of the children of Sandy Hook was staged and the children were ‘actors’, while they cruelly tormented and threatened the children’s families. These are the same people that stay silent, when their own Vice President Pence was threatened with hanging by Republican seditionists on Jan 6.
Trump and the Republicans have reaped what they have sown ! -Rj

Mistress Maddie said...

IIts shame there wasn't better aim taken. And this still won't make him or Republicans take gun control seriously or create better regulations so fuck them.... If they get killed. As they say...time to move on!

whkattk said...

Just before the rally Trump sent out: "All hell breaks loose in one hour."

The gunman was a 20-year old registered republican.

Just stating the facts, folks. Make sense of it as you will.