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Saturday, July 13, 2024


In Memoriam
Richard Simmons


uptonking said...

How odd to lose them both on the same day... Richard was a lot to take... but what a sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said.

The soap "General Hospital" was when I began to notice Richard making "aerobics" a thing for people to get fit. But I think uptonkning said it best "Richard was a lot to take... but what a sweetie!!"

R.I.P. Richard.

Cdadbr said...

On TV, Richard was interesting, quirky, and engaging to watch. At the time, I was into running for my aerobic activity, rather than calesthinics-based aerobics. But he made what he did fun to do, which was great, as it obviously got people off of the couch to live a better life. May ye rest in peace.