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Wednesday, April 24, 2024



JiEL said...

So flaberggasting to see how «Christian» with all those sects in USA that hate is growing over uour country.
Here in Province de Québec, we did evacuated our Catholic religion from any of our politic fields and for many if us from our lives. We didn't have all those sects up here just mainly Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jew and since few years, Islam.
The decline of Catholic religion had as result that many churches are useless and huge buildings let abandonned.
Some are bought to make some condos or libraries or halls for local activities.

We are since the 60's less praticing our Catholic religion but in Canada we are more helping each other in many ways with socialist politics.
Universal health care system is one of them to be mentionned.

LeftField said...

In Quebec, the Catholic Church was corrupt and abusive. It in effect controlled the government. Ultimately, the corruption and scandals were too much, even for the conservatives in the province.

Same thing happened in Spain. The Church backed the wrong side. And France.
One can only hope that the same will happen with Lakewood Church and the like.

Anonymous said...

All these Christian religions will eventually be at each others throats forcing their dogmas and prejudices upon themselves. I have Roman Catholic, mainstream Protestant and evangelical relatives. When you get into discussions of society they seem to agree on many issues, but once you bring up their beliefs and dogmas all hell breaks loose in their disagreements. If you are not born again or if you don’t recite the rosary you are damned. They each try to convince the other how they are following the wrong religion. Yes, they will soon find that they have opened Pandora’s box and unleashed it’s wrath upon themselves ! -Rj

uptonking said...

James gets philosophical! Cool. And all of these are great. Why don't we teach atheism in schools?

Xersex said...

Religions are pathetic!