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Tuesday, August 29, 2023



Big Dude said...

Well done.

whkattk said...

The only way we will ever be free of those is by voting in a Dem super-majority and keeping it in place for a couple of decades.

LeftField said...

@whhattk, I don't have that much confidence in the Democrats. They tend to eat their own so they'll never be united.

JiEL said...

Again seems that the mandatory «thoughts and prayers» will be going on for a long time in USA.
More than time to reevaluate the real meaning of that deadly Second Amendment.

Since 2010 you had over 200 mass shootings meanwhile here in Canada we had only 4 and not in schools.

The difference: we have banned the AR-15 or AK-47 type of riffles and the hunting ones cannot have more than a 5 bulletts magazines.

Yesterday, in a hotel in downtown Montreal the city police (SPVM) arrested a 30 yo man who was there with 28 hand guns in his hotel room. The police had the tip from one of the room house keeper.
He was arrested on the spot and is going to be charged in court for illegal owning of guns.

The worse is that some of those illegal guns are coming from your country through the native reserves which are on each sides of our US border, south of Montreal.
A everlasting chase of mouse and cat to catch those smugglers.

LeftField said...

JiEl is right. I spoke with a Canada Customs Agent who said that their biggest problem is guns from the States. Even the average Schmoe thinks they can just drive on up with their guns.

VRCooper said...

#2 with the school kids...

what a gut punch. did you see those kids in nc jumping out of the school windows to run to safety. this is what we have become.


JiEL said...

The difference between USA's schools and Canadian schools is that we have NO NEED to do those «gun shootings» hide and escape exercises.

The only exercises we do in our schools are fire alarm escape exercises once a year.

Since Colombine you did have 200 mass schools shootings.
In the same time we only had 4 and not in schools...

SickoRicko said...

VRCooper - VERY sad.

LeftField said...

I'm from Ontario. Once at Time Horton's I chose a table while my Canadian partner followed. "Why are you sitting next to the garbage can?" he asked.
"In case someone starts shooting." I responded, shocked at myself.

Once an American, always an American. Sad. And disgusting part of the culture.

SickoRicko said...

LeftField - Disgusting indeed.

jr said...

Ban repubs !