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Friday, July 15, 2022


For far too long, our economy has rewarded wealth instead of work—catering to the richest Americans and biggest corporations at the expense of ordinary people. At the center of that system is a tax code that allows the wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. And while we have long known that billionaires don’t pay enough in taxes, the lack of transparency in our tax system means that much less is known about the income tax rate that they do pay.


Xersex said...

#2 this concept, of a decent and dignified life, is also included in the Constitution of the Italian Republic. But, then, it is necessary to implement it and make it really so.

whkattk said...

As long as the Repuglicans are running everything, nothing will change.

JiEL said...

In Canada, the «median» salary per hour is around $31,50.

With a shortage of workers, many places are offering a $22 per hour salary with many advantages like a flexible schedule or even paying for a rent if the job is far away.

We need so much workers in many kind of jobs that employers are doing more to attract those candidates.

SickoRicko said...

Pat - Don't forget those two DINOs.

JiEL - That's happening here, too.

SickoRicko said...

Xersex - Yeah. "Official" words on paper don't mean anything if they're not practiced.