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Wednesday, November 03, 2021



elJiffy said...

Hey Ricko, just watched Biden's reception at the Vatican and I must say, he looks feeble, OLD, like Pelosi, Schumer and other Dem leaders.
Where are the young, dynamic Democrats? Biden tells the pope a boring baseball anecdote apropos of WTF...
I dread the midterms.

uptonking said...

Hmm. You'd think someone might have pointed out that first one at the start of the pandemic. Did not know there was an actual legal precedence.

SickoRicko said...

elJiffy - I dread the midterms, too.

BatRedneck said...

[Begin Mode : me being totally ignorant of how succession thingies happen in the Ovale]
Anyway, could any one please advise Mr Biden to quickly pass on the duty of presiding the U.S. over to Mrs Kamala Harris?
Honestly I do not care about her origins or her gender. As a non-U.S.but nonetheless concerned citizen I only care that such a powerful country is led by a responsible person, at last.

SickoRicko said...

BatRedneck - It's much too late for the dems to save themselves from themselves. The unfortunate part is that the slow death of American democracy into the jaws of fascist authoritarianism is now baked into the midterms and the next election. I see a civil war coming.

whkattk said...

@ Rick - How right you are. VA fell, NJ nearly did. Pundits predict CO & NV will also fall into the hands of the Rethugs, it's going to be a Domino effect. Then we're truly fucked.