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Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sunday Funnies...


  1. Much-needed chuckles. Thank you.

  2. Humor-esque :)
    Dogs shouldn’t mess with cats, and Joan just found out Bette’s coming over for a chit-chat !

  3. Words do matter, but it seems that what our parents/grandparents termed "normal language" is now too "whatever" for many now. If a man whistles at a lady, she is now offended and thinks the many might try to violate her in some way, rather than taking it as a compliment, for example. Playful harassment among makes is now offensive, too.

    In some ways, HOW the words are said matters! As to the ultimate meaning of them. Vocal inflection can make the same word a friendly term or a fighting term. People do not know the difference any more.

    I DO believe the allegedly evil DEI orientations can/do/have been working. Problem is many insecure people are afraid of them. As if THEY can't up their game to compete! AND they worked before they existed, too. When "performance and results" mattered more than other things.

  4. I'm not sure about the cat and dog post: dogs making fun of cats? Not cool. And then laughing about it?... Cats are sensitive animals, so...I don't know...(JK)

    1. LeftField - The panel that's not shown is the cat ripping the face off of the dog. :-)

    2. You always know how to make me feel better. Thanks Rick.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.