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Wednesday, October 23, 2024



Rade said...

There is an old tale where the rabbi was asked by one of his students “Why did God create atheists?”

After a long pause, the rabbi finally responded with a soft but sincere voice. “God created atheists” he said, “to teach us the most important lesson of them all – the lesson of true compassion. You see, when an atheist performs an act of charity, visits someone who is sick, helps someone in need, and cares for the world, he is not doing so because of some religious teaching. He does not believe that God commanded him to perform this act. In fact, he does not believe in God at all, so his actions are based on his sense of morality. Look at the kindness he bestows on others simply because he feels it to be right.

When someone reaches out to you for help. You should never say ‘I’ll pray that God will help you.’ Instead, for that moment, you should become an atheist – imagine there is no God who could help, and say ‘I will help you’.”

—Martin Buber, Tales of Hasidim

JiEL said...

the no.2 is just in the news up here in Montreal where a primary school, Elementary Bedford School, which since 2017 11 muslim teachers took the lead to install a muslim faith school philosophy. This is against our none religious law for schools.
It came out in the medias and for our governement only this week as those religious did have a huge grip on the other teachers and even the director and the school board,
Since this, it seems that 3 other schools are being investigated for the same reason.
Since the the 60's we evacuated religion (mainly here the Catholic Church) but now withimmigration coming from North Africa and Middle East, the Muslims are trying to install their faith in all parts of our society.
Education is a provincial prerogative and excluding religion in schools and public offices like government or services buildings is in law here.
We Québécois are not going back to the dark era where religion stopped our evolution as a modern nation.

LeftField said...

JiEL I sure hope the Quebecois nip that one in the bud fast and strong.

LeftField said...

Every time one of my family sends a thread and someone replies, "Thoughts and prayers", I send a gif of the Power Rangers, saying, "Prayer Warriors Activate!"
(it doesn't change anything but they know where I stand)