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Wednesday, September 25, 2024



Anonymous said...

Amen to number 3!!!

uptonking said...

Separation of church and... reality.

JiEL said...

One Maga man argued with me that USA isn't a democracy but a republic... What was is point about this? He said that USA is a group of «independant» states under a federal government. Maybe this is why the red states can gerrymander the elections without any consequences.
Putting race, religion and sex orientation or control is something you would very very rarely see in other democracies in the world and not in Canada.
As those Retrumplikkkans are so going by the Constitution they surely are not understanding all of it like they do for the Bible.

whkattk said...

Now, instead of flag pins they wear AR-15 Rifle pins. Because, you know, "sanctity of life."

Cdadbr said...

The other day, a comment was made that the USConstitution called the USA a "republic", but a republic can be democratic, theocratic, or dictatorship (where "democratic" elections are held, but with the outcome being readily apparent before hand. So WE ended up with a "full-democratic republic"?

The original NATION was founded on "religious freedom", which means "freedom from a state-authorized/sanctioned religion", so each citizen can chose their own denomination. Plain and simple. Many of our laws might be based on some religious orientations, but NOT completely religious-oriented.

Depending upon which part of The Bible one desires to believe, you'll find control, compassion, the charge to help others in need, and other orientations that some can cherry-pick to be "The Word" they want to believe and also WANT others to follow, as they do. As they ignore or are not aware of the other parts of the assembled document. Politically conservative people seem to favor the "control" sections as people of a more (and variable!) liberal orientation seem to favor the "compassion" sections of helping others have a better life, when possible AND if the other person is receptive to help. YET, "free will" is a part of each of these orientations AND should be honored by all!

Still. some sort of "self-governing regulations" must be in place for things to work as they should. Certainly, "laws" need to be in place for such controls, as "free will" governs individual activities. "Free Will" to break the laws, if desired, with consequences for such actions. "Conservatives" want to "control" people to their way of religious thinking, in many ways, which can also decrease governmental costs. "Little government" is many of their stated orientations, BUT they keep passing laws for "more control" of personal actions in the process! Over-turning Roe, is just ONE of their orientations, as is voter suppression . . . yet they don't seem to obey the law as to driving the posted speed limit on Interstate highways!

So "conservatives" seem to be talking out of ALL sides of their mouth to justify their actions. Might that be why many of them make ROUND shapes with their lips when they are seeking to get their point across? LOL

Anonymous said...

If Christ were here today the Republicans and their Evil-angelicals cohorts would crucify and murder Christ for the second time around. -Rj

JiEL said...

Good points. So they are «cherry picking» what will suits their control on others even gerrymandering elections or controling women's body and in the future control and punish who you love and have an eye in your bedrooms etc...
Another point that came to me Canadian is the Project 2025 wanting to abolish the Education secretary even if the 14th Amendment of your Constitution assure education to ALL Americans.
Another example of cherry picking to achieve their agenda to keep Americans more uneducated.