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Tuesday, September 17, 2024



Milleson said...

Great cover, New Yorker; Powerful , wise words, Arnold; A beautiful sight, indeed; As a non-believer in that heaven/hell concept, I know he won't be roasting in hell...but, would it be too judgmental of me to say if anyone would be a candidate to experience that scenario, it would certainly be that failed old fart.

JiEL said...

IN USA «WORDS» have to be converted in VOTES for Harris-Walz to wipe out DonOld from any other election. Also VOTE to get the Senate and House a good majority to cancel GOP's staling any avancements.

Anonymous said...

Dump Trump !
Il est une catastrophe et un maladie. :(
-Beau Mec

Ed Schlee said...

Just two inches and things would be over!

Anonymous said...

RE: Schwarzenegger. Unfortunately most Republicans are Fox News brainwashed.

whkattk said...

That's exactly right, JiEL.
House and Senate majorities: That's going to be key to making sure no one can pull his kind of crap again.

Milleson said...

Just my gut feeling, but if anyone thinks electing him President will end the assassination attempts, they're bonkers. The crazies, for whatever their reasons, will be queueing up to be the successful gunslinger to take this man down. Some will think he/she should be declared a National Hero, the others will be inflamed to cause mass destruction to this country. Looking ahead, that would mean a J.D. Vance presidency and many, many republicans detest this vile creature.

The MAGA maniacs are a small percentage of the splintered republican party, a small but vocal and dangerous group who get the press and keep everything riled up and on the brink of another civil war. Each person like Arnold who recognizes the danger of electing him again and comes forth in a public statement to disavow and demonize him will have an impact on the party members who are not Magates. That should get the democratic nominee a few more votes or keep them away from the polls. In this election, even one vote may be critical in determining the outcome.

Anonymous said...

Trump must be some sort of father figure to the magats or they have sado-masochistic tendencies of some kind to be so enthralled by the lunatic. He says out loud the shit they would love to say.
Of course reactionaries react, as I was told many years ago by our High School maintenance man who was a right wing Republican.