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I REPEAT: If you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

Monday, August 12, 2024



uptonking said...

Let's hope so... let's hope the rally continues. We need to wipe the orange ogre off the map.

whkattk said...

We can only hope enough of us have woken up and been paying attention.

Anonymous said...

Keep the promise of America true,
Vote Blue !
Get out and vote, and don’t be complacent. This is historic, as we stand to have too much to lose.
Our country as we know it will be gone,
our democracy will be no more and our lives will be altered for the worst.
Keep our country, keep our democracy, keep our freedom to be true to ourselves. Keep the memory of our war dead sacred, they gave their precious lives to protect OUR democracy. Vote Blue !

JiEL said...

We in province of Québec we woke up in the 60's from an abusive conservastive-Catholic church domination over us. Banning religion from our political sphere and putting the «Liberal Party» in office was the beginning of our modern society.
The first good move was to the buy all the power electricity dams to instaurate our national Hydro Québec which is now owned by all of us.
We benefit of the lowest electricity fees of the world and since decades we can sell green electricity to some US states and NYC.

With our 1982 Canadian Charter of Freedoms and Rights, ALL Canadians no matter gender, race or religion are protected against any attacks on their rights.
Voting rights are part of it and ALL Canadian is automaticaly registered on all the voting lists.

Anonymous said...

Left Field here: the Charter of Rights is an amazing, modern, document that other countries, including the United States, should adopt.