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Friday, August 30, 2024



whkattk said...

LOVE me some Samuel!
I gladly pay my taxes. Spend some time --- even only a week --- in a country like Russia and you'll be happy to get back and pay your taxes.

JiEL said...

Here in Canada, I pay 15% income taxes if you combine federal and provincial income taxations for a income of $40 000 Can. In return I can rely on free medical services, electricity costs the lowest in the world and many other advantages too long to enumerate here.
This 15% is applyed not to all the $40 000 but after some deductables as for me some because of my age and situation.
This year for my 2023 icome reports I had a cash back totalising $1 800 instantly deposit in my bank account.
I also benefit of a $101 cash per month by my provincial government call Social Solidarity to help me pay some bills.
Also every 3 moths the federal gives me $130 in TPS consumer taxe return.
We are taxed in regard of our income and our richest people are paying higher percentage of taxes. But sure they have benefits in being able to deduct some money in investing in some places but they are contributing to all of our social benefits too.

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - As it should be.

Anonymous said...

The top 10 percent own 3/4 of the economy, 100 trillion dollars, so it’s only fair they pay 3/4 of the nation’s taxes.
Had a wealthy uncle who was in the 7O% tax bracket in the 1960’s and 1970’s.
He still lived quite well, living in a beautiful home, driving the Cadillacs he loved and frequent dining at fine restaurants.
He paid his taxes without complaint, as he saw it for the common good and keeping America stable and prosperous.
When Reagan came around, my uncle believed the economic and tax proposals of his administration would lead to the hoarding of wealth by the very wealthy and financial instability for everyone else. My uncle said back then, as Reaganomics took hold in the 1980’s, that this would lead to deep economic problems in the future.
My uncle used to refer Reaganomics as Reagan-omits, as it omits everyone else except for the very wealthy.

SickoRicko said...

Rj - Very good explanation.