WARNING: This blog contains copious amounts of adult GAY material. If that's offensive to you, please leave now. All pix have been gleaned from the internets so, if you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

I REPEAT: If you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

Friday, August 30, 2024



whkattk said...

I would SO love to have the electoral map look like that in Nov.

Milleson said...

Okay, now let's recap...he's disenfranchised and insulted women, people of all colors, LGBTQIA+ people of all colors and persuasions, handicapped people AND the Veterans, again. If 80% of the electorate in those categories can't cast a vote and show him he needs to go away because we're tired of looking at him and hearing the gibberish and hate he spews daily, we'll be in more of a mess than imaginable. We HAVE to do this!!!

JiEL said...

The way in USA you as a party can gerrymander on voting lists and even make new laws to limit this or that like the time of voting or time to count all the votes, how come you still think you're the flag ship of democracy.

Your only two parties elections are now more than before, with this MAGA cult extremism, polirizing the choices for your voters.
As Milleson said, this hate mouthful orange felon is spreading his hate speeches and fake facts and insulting anyone, so why are some people he insults are continuing to vote for him.
I have a gay men couple friends from Delaware who are ferocious fighting for Trump and are taking their news on Fuck News and on the conspiracy theories websites etc... Which is unbelievable to me as one in a Québécois and used to be more intelligent...
He is acting like a woman back in the old times when she was voting on the same side as her husband..

Anonymous said...

Keep the momentum going and Trump will be history and in jail.