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Friday, August 23, 2024



whkattk said...

Well, let's hope that we can steer the ship at least a bit more toward economic equality (among other things!).

Cdadbr said...

The first situation has been in play for several decades now! Conservatives figure it is because "others" have made poor decisions, as those in that mess, see it as increasing corp greed as the corps determine how much profit they want to make with selling price manipulations. GWBush's program toward "A hand up, not a hand out" was accurate then as now. ONLY difference is that similar to the "Welfare Baby" issues of the earlier 1970s, we now have several generations who have lived in the "One paycheck from homelessness" situation. Problem is that conservatives (who live in gated communities) see this as a "poor decision" issue rather than otherwise, rather than seeing an opportunity to grow the workforce with temporary subsidies for job training and education. Conservatives never will understand as the situations these "poor people" are in are completely foreign to them, being "words on a page".

Anonymous said...

What did they expect from Howdy Doody and his voodoonomics, the US economy has been in free fall for working class Americans ever since. With all the bubbles, booms and crashes, rampant speculation, ‘adjusted’ economic reports, and all the other crap, it’s finally time to be rid of Reaganomics, and go back to sound economic policies that benefit everyone and not just the corrupt and greedy. -Rj

JiEL said...

In his speech, Bernie Sanders said it that USA is tailing back on social programs in comparaison to all other democratic countries. This is caused by the ultra capitalist US regime and those 1% wealthy not willing to pay their fair share to help the less rich.
Also, USa is spending billions on army, war ships, fighter planes and a huge army etc..
When it's time to give all Americans the help they need in their every day issues, the government let it to private companies like Insurance companies which are there to make more money over poor people.

The DNC just showed how far USA is to achieve a real fair share of the wealth of your country for ALL Americans.
To us in Canada and other democratic countries, these speeches are from another era like in the 1970-80 and even before when we instated our universal health care sytem and many other social advantages for ALL our our citizens.
For decades our Canadian government did meet the great pharma companies to lower the cost of prescription meds and not only for insulin but ALL of them.
This election, if Harris-Walz are elected, maybe, I say maybe, USA could make a huge step toward being part of the rest of the world social democracies,
HOPE is the real idea and FREEDOM over a dictatorship leading to suppressing all rights from its poeple.

SickoRicko said...

Everyone - Thank you all for these terrific comments.