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Thursday, August 08, 2024


Just for fun...

It May Seem Silly, But If You Pick 8 Animals, I'm 98.9% Sure That I Can Guess Your Favorite Color

The first time I played this it came up with my favorite color. I played it two more times, picking different animals, and it came up with different results.


Workmen and Rednecks said...

LoL !
I kind of knew I'd be the ugly duckling on this one.
Their 'test' came up with yellow. The truth is, although I may have an inclination for blue and green, truth is I like all colors. More or less for each, depending on the material, the fabric, the object, the context, and so on. This must come from my inclination for spaces (in and out) and decoration - which us humans are also part of at some point. To put it short: harmony. I could choose to paint the whole wall paneling of a living room in slate blue, but also pick verdigris for the furnishings, with a few touches of old yellow and bronze here and there to light the whole thing up. The possibilities are so wide. And the same goes with the 256 shades of grey when you reveal them with just one object of colour wisely chosen, which becomes kind of a masterpiece in a showcase.
Can't wait for my next reincarnation to pick up interior decorator, ha! ha!

Mistress Maddie said...

The eight choices each had one of my favorite animals in each bunch......but!!!!! I got this- I bet your favorite color is red!
You love fierce animals that resemble your own strength and power. Did I guess correctly?

Nope. My favorite color is blue!

SickoRicko said...

Maddie - But, you're a red-hot lover.

Keith said...

They had me for pink, but Blue is my color.

SickoRicko said...

Everyone - What a silly game.