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Monday, August 05, 2024


Good for them...

Oklahoma schools in revolt over Bible mandate

Educators in Oklahoma are refusing a state order to incorporate the Bible into their lesson plans, setting up an inevitable showdown with the start of the school year just weeks away.

Ryan Walters, the state superintendent of public instruction, last week released guidelines to schools for how they should be inte­grating the Bible into class­rooms, saying educators who are against the initia­tive “will comply, and I will use every means to make sure of it.”

Rest of story HERE.


Milleson said...

Gawd damn bible thumpers!!!

Yes teachers, be sure and tell the little kiddies how Adam and Eve and sons and daughters populated the earth and Noah and his family did it again when Gawd decided to drown the entire world population and tell the kiddies how Onan refused to fuck some family member so he shot his love juice on the ground and Gawd killed him. And tell the little cherubs about the girl who lusted after the men's genitals and compared them to donkey and horse dicks and how she wished they would shoot buckets of cum for her please.

Yes teachers, arm the sweet innocents with this study plan from the bible and have them ask their parents to explain all of this to them.

State superintendent of public instruction, more like superintendent of public stupidity and confusion. Fuck them all for the hypocrites they be.

Mistress Maddie said...

Ryan Walters can suck my dick! And he's probably like it. If they start that shit in schools....your going to be seeing many a parent pulling their kids from schools. Church should always be a separate thing and shouldn't be integrated into politics...school or places of employment. Period. If these religious wing nuts want to believe in what they do fine....but don't worry for me and stay out of my business. Don't "save me" save me and tell me how to live...if I end up in hell....that's my decision. And besides that most of them are two faced and hypocrites.

Mistress Maddie said...

I adore you Mileson

Anonymous said...

He's the perfect little Maga Nazi. Time to DOX this POS!

JiEL said...

Islamic shools and those = the same idiots to impose their beliefs.

They surely don't know their bible as Mileson said because many of those stories are no more into our way of living in the 21st century.

Here in province of Québec we evacuted religion from our public schools from bottom to top since the 80's.

Ed Schlee said...

Tell that govenor to go pound sand in a rat hole!

Anonymous said...

Walters’ insane insistence will only bring forth lawsuits and the school administrators are dealing with the reality of that fact. Where will the money and resources come from to defend the schools if they carry out Walters’ inane policy ? The schools in Oklahoma are underfunded and don’t have the resources for lawsuits. You just know Walters will spend and waste tax dollars on lawsuits, instead of providing proper funding and support for Oklahoma schools and educators. :(
Voters in Oklahoma better wisen up and kick Walters to the curb before he causes more damage.

SickoRicko said...

Rj - One article that I read is that he's hoping for lawsuits, all the way up to the supreme court, in hopes that this court will side with him.

whkattk said...

This is when Rebellion is warranted.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the weaponized un-supreme court, they delegitimize themselves everyday. And now our entire justice system is in disarray and in question.:(

Cdadbr said...

Just waiting for all of the Okla people to realize just what IS in The Bible, other than what they perceive to be in there! Imagine, too, when the parent wants to help their kids with their homework, and something like THAT comes up, or they find it a page over or so. Everybody gets an education!