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Tuesday, July 09, 2024



It gets the RED out!


uptonking said...

Let's hope common sense rules out. Not holding my breath...

whkattk said...

From top to bottom of the ballot. It's the only way....

Anonymous said...

I urge everyone to read the excerpts from Plan 2025, published this morning on Voenix Rising. The convicted former president, now the republican presumptive nominee for president, claims that he has never seen the plan and knows nothing about it - that's highly doubtful as it's likely another lie. Whether he has seen it or not, it's been published and it's telegraphing the plans for a republican presidency. Read it and take time to absorb its implications. Anyone who doesn't acknowledge and believe that our democracy is in grave danger, is delusional or demented - or deceased!


Anonymous said...

The extremist right and their Project 2025 is only the beginning. If Trump fails they will find a more ‘desirable’ candidate in the future, one that will come across as ‘moderate’, and we will be back to square one. The Democratic leadership and voters need to be more vigilant in the future to keep this from happening again and again. :/ -Rj