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Thursday, July 11, 2024


Convicted felons should not be
allowed to run for office!


whkattk said...

If the Dems take over --- and I'm losing faith on that score --- they're already saying they'll bring legislation.

Though, according to Project 2025, if the Repukes ever get in control, it won't matter what laws are in place.

SickoRicko said...

whkattk - Yeah, it's looking a little bleak.

Milleson said...

The man is a petulant, whiny baby-man who was spoiled and therefore can do nothing right, but gloriously does everything wrong. He needs to go down and go down HARD. The EU saw a danger coming from its right-wing raging fanatics and have temporarily usurped some of their power. It's past time for our country to do the same with DJT and the MAGAs(sounds like a stinko rock group, yes?). Have just read the NYT opinion of T's unfitness to lead this country over at voenixrising.com. A long read but very encouraging and I hope the first of many of these to come.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty straightforward: an old guy who tells the truth, and an old guy who lies and commits crimes. Period.

Anonymous said...

Seriously: evil with energy vs good with experience??? Wtf!?!

Anonymous said...

Who you gonna vote for: your grandfather, or the dirty old man with the dark-windowed car who just moved into the house next door...???