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Friday, July 26, 2024



LeftField said...

That last one really gets me: all sports stadiums purchased with public funds should be owned entirely by the public. Even the teams that carry a city's name should be owned by the people of the city. Just like Green Bay.

Cdadbr said...

Regarding the last item, in Texas, almost entity can put a tax on some function to help pay for something else. The "bed tax" is supposed to be used to encourage tourism in a municipality, for example. Paid for by tourists themselves.

At DFW Intl Airport, if you rent a rental vehicle there, a 5% tax is tacked onto the price to pay for a sports facility that is not related to the airport! That type of tax is paid not by the locals, but by people who can afford to travel and not worry specifically about costs. UNTIL they start to read their total receipt ata checkout. Many of which can be business travelers who write it all off as "business expenses", I suspect.

whkattk said...

That last one...yup. We've paid to build three so far. And now they want us to chip in for another one. It's ridiculous.

JiEL said...

One example of our «social capitalist democracy» here in Province of Québec.
Our Hydro Québec electric power society was put in place back in the 60's by our Liberal Party and more with the genious of René Lévesque who did buy all those small multiple hyydro electricity companies to install this provincial government company to provide electricity to ALL Québecois.

In the years after, Hydro Québec did develop many huge dams to produce electricity for even some other provinces and many US states and NYC too.

We as Québecois are now owners of this national company which gives us low rate electricity.
Hydro Québec is making millions if not billions of profits even in reinvesting in new sources of electricity and the overflow of that money is put in our gorvernment account.
We have also other societies like this which is contributing to put money for all.
SAQ is our liquor stores run by a gorvernment society as well as the SQDC same but to sell weed and other products and our Loto Québec which runs loteries and casinos.

All the nmoney coming from those government owned companies are giving their profits for the good of ALL Québecois.

Yes, we pay lot of taxes (15% of my income tax) but when I need surgery or to see a doctor or to have a scan or blood tests etc, I pay «$0» each time.

Not to forget as my forst example that my electricity bills are low.
I pay a flat rate each month of $123 Can no matter winter of summer time.
On my latest bill I will even have a credit of $247 Can next September and that will give me two free months with no charge.

Anonymous said...

In Texas, they are not taxes, they are “user fees”. And Texas has a LOT of “user fees”, and in Texas we don’t raise taxes, we raise “user fees”.
Makes one feel used. :(
It’s all part of our republican politicians double talk.

LeftField said...

@JiEl. On a completely different side note: I will be in Montreal over the weekend of August 15-19. If you'd like to meet up for coffee, a cocktail, or poutine, I'd be interested in meeting you. stephen@mayfarm.ca

JiEL said...

I'd like to meet you but on those dates I will be busy: August 16 my good friend Christophe is arriving from France to get to his condo on Peel Street.
Auguat 17 we have a garden party outside Montreal at my ex cottage near St Hyacinth but we will be back for the evenning.
Maybe on August 18 in the evenning or 19 but not sure as I have to help Christophe to sette back in his conde as he is paralised on all his right side.

But I'll email you so we can see if something is possible.

Friendly yours.
Jean Luc.

Zimbo said...

That last one... THAT LAST ONE!!!