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Saturday, July 27, 2024




Infidel753 said...

I think Gellhorn's choice of words is a bit counterproductive. It's just a fact that most people find politics a boring and repulsive subject. I certainly do. There's nothing wrong with that. I pay attention to politics when some event in the wider world, such as an impending election, means that there is a practical reason for doing so. There are often pragmatic reasons for paying attention to boring things (most jobs are boring, but we give them attention because we need the money). But it is just a matter of practical necessity. I'm not interested in politics. It would be silly to say that "with pride" (we have no control over what interests us or doesn't, so there is nothing to take pride in), but it's nothing to be ashamed of either.

whkattk said...

That last one? We can only hope it happens!

LeftField said...

I understand where Gellhorn is coming from: Politics is Economics. They're one in the same. But when most people say they are not "interested" what they mean is "I don't have time", "It is too complicated", and "I need to focus on my family". Stuff like that. It's like me with financial investments.

It's also a luxury in some ways. Like being able to pay extra for organic produce.

In all honesty, I sure as heck hope the young get out and vote! No more whining.

Anonymous said...

One thing reactionaries can’t stand are people of intellect. To them intellects are targets for smearing and persecution. Plato in his time had to deal with and confront tyrants to his detriment, Dionysius of Syracuse be damned. Gelhorn, though not blacklisted, had to contend with FBI surveillance and the subtler forms of McCarthyism.
Both knew from experience from where they spoke.
This election is more crucial than others, vote blue, our many ways of life depend on it. Do really want people like McConnell, De Santis, Jordan, Boebert, Taylor Green, Alito, Thomas and Trump to impose on you how they feel you should live ?!
I would hope not. - Rj

JiEL said...

Politics are in everyone's lives no matter what because all of our everyday living is tinted in those politics from top to bottom. Now in your country, the USA your are at the point in which, nest November 5, you'll be going in the 21st century way of living OR going backward in the old mid 20th century dark age. That ultimate choice will make USA a nation to be looked at for good reasons or no more the flagship of democracies by putting in place an autocracy who will put his interest first and those of wealhy billionairs.

taurus9311 said...

The third picture states a generalization that doesn't justify the conclusion. Not all Millennials are blue. There are a number of young people in the MAGA camp, unfortunately.