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Sunday, June 09, 2024



Big Dude said...

The problem is, we HAVEN'T educated anyone about Fascism or Nazism. Half the population, if not more, does not even know which countries we fought during WWII. Often, the school year was over before the history class even got to the Second World War.

SickoRicko said...

Big Dude - Yep.

Anonymous said...

Another problem is revisionists of history who make false equivalences. Such as Roosevelt and Churchill are war criminals just like Hitler and Tojo.
As if they seem to wish Hitler had won, where the hell do they think they would have ended up. These revisionists of history seem to think they would be in the drivers seat.
They themselves would have ended up in a death camps, as prisoners, not the camp commandants like they think. They fancy themselves as leaders, when in fact they would be victims or weak willed followers led to the abyss.
And much of this revisionist crap comes out of Britain and the USA.
They seem to forget Hitler considered the British and Americans vile mongrels to be destroyed. Hitler would not have stopped with the annihilation of Jewish people, that was just the beginning of his madness. :( -Rj

JiEL said...

The MAGA uneducated people are so close of the tree (Trump) that they don't see the forest of horific future he wants to do if he gets in the White House for a second mandate.

On this sundey, my friend, the Closeted Professor, did his usual preech today in title «Bahave Like a Chritian» with as a main subject «the kindness and Christian Love» with many scriptures texts.
BUT if this is the case in USA so called a Christian country, why to much HATE among your citizens which are reading this same Bible and Gospels?

More than even, the guru in chief of the MAGA's Evangelicals is providing more and more hate speeches and even calling for his «personnal» revenge over those who dared to endicte him even if those are real and with good proof ohf his wrong doing in many ways.

This big mouth shepard is guiding his blindee sheeps toward a clif and it'll be too late for those to wake up if he wins the nexte election.
He will let them crash down the clif while he will benefit all of the advantages of being president.

hope this will never happen but I have not much confidence in many of your people to be able to see the best way to stay free and maintain the human rights in USA.