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Thursday, May 23, 2024



Xersex said...

I hate R. because he was a bloodthirsty madman. Obviously I agree with this sentence.

Last one: has it always been this way? i'm just curious!

JiEL said...

In USA the «GOP» is no more a party but more is now a cult kneeling to its guru or die.
I was polite to say «kneeling» as many are licking his ass no matter the bad taste of his scum anus.
Last one is Nikki Haley who i thought was a fairly honnest conservative is now showing her real face in following the coward ring or ass kissers.

RBrysco said...

@Xersex -

Wow - now you have asked a loaded question... I'll keep the answer brief (for me, at least! :) )but it'll give you some reference if you are interested.

In a nutshell - *NO* the Republican party was not always like this. In fact, from it's inception in the 1850's and up and until after the Civil War, the morals and ethics of America's Republican and Democratic parties were reversed. Republicans were liberals who denounced slavery, believed in individual and cultural freedoms for the common man and while championing for a free-market, believed in responsible government spending that promoted what was best for the American people. Democrats, on the other hand, were more what you might recognize today as Republicans.

It is because of this that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican; they ended the Civil War, drove the fight to establish the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery, and many Republican presidents and Congressmen worked together to pull the US out of the following depression and spearheaded the Reconstruction Act.

So what happened? Well, a lot of things went into the eventual reversal of the ethics and platforms of the parties - most notably scandal and some unpopular decisions which drove the most radical of both parties into the arms of the opposing party. Needless to say, by the turn of the 20th Century (and into the 1910's), these events had firmly cemented the reversal of the ethics and believfs of both parties.

What has made the Republican party so repugnant today has been it's gradual take-over by the far-right radicals (such as the "Tea Party") and the religious Evangelists that started in the 1970's; their efforts have driven the party to it's extremes and have caused most of the issues that are so prevalent today.


whkattk said...

Royko was a great editorialist. He's spot on there - and it's the difference between the Dems and the Republicans. The Republicans are all about giving the world the middle finger and the Dems are all about trying to help the world.

SickoRicko said...

RBrysco - Thank you for the answer to Xersex's question.

RBrysco said...

@SickoRicko - Thanks so much for your comment. I believe there is nothing in life that is truly black and white; while it is easy to despise the Republican Party for what it is today, it wasn't always that way. When someone like Xersex asks a serious question (I assume by his comment here and others that he has posted before) when he doesn't live in the US, it deserves a serious answer.

I personally consider myself a Centrist; I find things that are despicable from both the Republican and Democratic parties. I do believe that the government should be responsible in it's spending and oversight while taking care of it's Citizens, while at the same time religion and cultural issues don't belong in politics *or* are the purview of either party.

LOL I guess in some ways, you could consider me one of the original Libertarians... their original belief (before the Tea Party took over) was conservative government financially, while "live and let live" was the rule as long as it didn't infringe on anyone else's freedoms.

I don't know where this country is headed or if it will survive another 100 years (although damn, I hope so!)... but I know some radical changes are going to be required to ensure it's stability and endurance in the long run.

Just my two cents... :)

Xersex said...

Thanks everyone! I am a constant commenter on Rick's blog, and I live in Milan, Italy.