WARNING: This blog contains copious amounts of adult GAY material. If that's offensive to you, please leave now. All pix have been gleaned from the internets so, if you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

I REPEAT: If you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024



whkattk said...

The blubbering, lying SCOTUS justice makes me want to puke.

Tim Scott: The epitome of "dumb as a rock." Though, Large Marge and BoPeep are down there with him in IQ.

SickoRicko said...

Whkattk - These times, they are disgusting.

Milleson said...

I'm on board for Federal law that states if Repugnantcons continue this anti-personal choice crusade, it should be mandatory that they adopt all children of rape victims, all children born with physical disabilities, all children whose mothers can't support them after birth and all children who will die soon after birth for various health issues. Let them take on the financial burden of raising and educating them until adulthood, or pay for funeral arrangements for those children that prematurely die, with no financial aid from that overreaching Federal government they're always complaining about.

Let's see how that would work.

I'm for pro-choice and anti anything that takes away the rights of a woman and her doctor to make decisions concerning her body and well-being.

Milleson said...

P.S. Brett Kavanaugh and Tim Scott - Living proof that imbecilic adulation of an under-qualified and pompous butt-wipe like #45 can be found in all races, sexes and educational level. Pathetic losers all.

SickoRicko said...

Milleson - Loozers. Plain and simple.

JiEL said...

Braking news on CNN showing Nikki Haley giving her vote to the Orange conman..
OMFG ! I thought she had more brain and spine.
Worse she said that voting for Biden would lead the country into chaos....

I'm more and more discourage about USA for the next election even if I live in Canada.

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - It's a fucking mess here.