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Tuesday, April 09, 2024


I love this stuff. More details (and images) in the article...

9 False Facts About Spam We've All Believed

1. False Fact: Spam is yesterday's news

2. False Fact: Its name stands for 'Spiced Ham'

3. False Fact: Spam lasts forever

4. False Fact: Spam is universally seen as a cheap commodity

5. False Fact: Eating Spam is cheaper than eating fresh meat

6. False Fact: Chefs turn their noses up at Spam

7. False Fact: Spam was the only canned meat eaten during WWII

8. False Fact: Spam is made from mystery meat

9. False Fact: The product has not changed over the years

This next (long!) article is mostly about trash in the oceans, but since it mentioned Spam...

Radioactive waste, baby bottles and Spam

A Spam tin food container, seen resting at 4,947 metres below the surface in the Mariana Trench in 2016. Photograph: NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research


Mistress Maddie said...

I can't lie I buy spam. My grandmother had a wonderful recipe for ham spread, which called for spam. It makes a wonderful sandwich in the summertime when it's hot with a little slice of cheese and a little piece of lettuce.

uptonking said...

I lived in Austin, MN - home of Hormel. Home of Spam. And the Spam Museum.

Dreadful place. Horrible people. I think it's all that salt.

LeftField said...

I have loved Spam since the day I came home from school and my mother had a Spam pizza ready for me: she took a slice of white bread, put some canned pizza sauce on it, topped that with a slice of Spam and then sprinkled canned parmesan cheese over it. Popped that sucker into the toaster oven and she was the greatest mother alive!

Milleson said...

If you are of a certain age...okay, if you're old like I am, you'll remember that the old tins of Spam had a key on the bottom that you bent off and attached to a tab on the side of the can to open it. It was safer than the sharp piece of metal that's exposed with the new ring pull tab. A blast from the past! Thanks Ricky

SickoRicko said...

Milleson - You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said.

This kind of "Spam" has always been good to me. Heck my Mom would fry it up and we would have it with mac and cheese.

I have some now in the fridge, always great for a quick sandwich, and when I'm not lazy I will fry it up with a couple of sunny side up fried eggs.

Thanks Rick!!

LeftField said...

Oh, I forgot!
I gave my mom a Spam Musubi recipe. She lost it, so I made her this YouTube video.


Steve Leftfield

SickoRicko said...

Scott - It's so versatile!

Steve - Thank you for that video! So much fun!

ChrisA said...

That can of Spam is 3.07 miles down!
Why hasn't imploded from the pressure?

SickoRicko said...

ChrisA - That's a good question.

JDH said...

Try Spam sushi some time. A thin slice is flame broiled (sometimes with a blowtorch!), then placed on top of the formed rice and a bit of Wasabi. It is really good!

SickoRicko said...

JDH - I agree with you.