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Monday, April 01, 2024



Cdadbr said...

Some people don't care about obeying a law they don't like or perceive as "over-reach". Which seems to include a majority of Conservatives. Only problem is that such could also be extended to a whole magnitude of things! Perhaps this is one reason there now seem to be so many shootings? People get so caught up in minutea, rather than realizing that what they are thinking about is wrong, but THEY could ruin their lives by doing them. Rather than walking away and gong to do something else!

It's going to take a whole mountain of $60.00 donations/sales to make a big dent in his expenses, but with all things, it's INTENT that must be present, no matter the real outcome. But just like that buy walking in the Capital building prior to the mob's arrival, why was he there and carrying a flag? Not invited, where he should not had been without a law enforcement escort. If there had not been INTENT, he would not have been there, period. The Capital might be "The People's House", but unless he was in a supervised TOUR group, his presence there was unlawful. Plain and simple.

Many in the citizenry have become to believe that Conservatives are the ONLY ones who know anything, know how to spend money, etc. How they have seemed to normalize "Crimes against the Nation", since Newt Gingrinch started talking proves how flaky that group really is. They say things, ask for things, then when the Liberals give it to them, to their specs, they reject it as "Not what we wanted", although they said it was what they wanted no more than a year prior. More frustrations and blockages, yet NO alternative legislation "to their specs".

My grand parents endured the Great Depression in the lower ends of the financial spectrum. They always voted a strait Democratic ballot, for Democrats. There was a reason for that, way back then. It's about the IDEOLOGY of the party, not the person representing the party, per se.

whkattk said...

If he's involved, it's a con.

This is why churches should be paying taxes.

JiEL said...

Unbelievable what this idiot is going to do to gather money no matter what.
Really, bibles, it's so laughable from outside USA. No way here in Canada or any «normal» democracy in the world you could see this blasphemy on religion.

You know, his «American Bible» includes the USA's Constitution as it is, for him ns his cult sheep followers, prt of God's will. OMG!
When you know that your founding fathers wanted to exclude religion from the new country after liberating you from England Church.

Time, more than time to put him in jail....

uptonking said...

Playas gonna play. Grifters gonna grift. F him.

Anonymous said...

Trumpster the dumpster fire :)
Can’t help himself no matter what.-Rj