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Friday, March 08, 2024


(And, today's rethugliKKKons.)


Big Dude said...

Fuck every Nazipublican on every level.

whkattk said...

How about that State of the Union address last night? Dark Brandon made an appearance....

LeftField said...

I just love David Horsey cartoons. They are never mean-spirited.

@whkattk, I thought that the State of the Union address was amazing. Sorry MTG spews so much shit out of her mouth that she doesn't know which end to wipe.Didn't see Rafael Cruz's mug (or didn't notice it). Probably off in Mexico or Cuba visiting family.

I'm so not like Horsey.

JiEL said...

I saw the State of the Union last evening and it was very good on my Canadian point of view.
Biden did his best to point out the issues that USA is facing in the future.

As usual, MTG made a clown of herself and Biden did respond sharp and well.

He did point out «tRumpet» without directly name him and it was very clear.
Johnson on the back looked annoyed and not able to do more which is usual for him to just be the 45's lacky.

Over all he did good talking about women's rights in jeopardy aiming those SCOTUS just in front of him and future 45's policies.

NOW are Americans able to really understand what is at stake on Novemver 5 and reject the Orange con man??

SickoRicko said...

Everyone - I thought Joe was great.

Anonymous said...

Luv'd it when our President Biden took aim at the extremists who make our Supreme Court un-supreme. I am sure you all noticed that Uncle Tom and Stepford Amy were nowhere to be seen, I wonder why? Perhaps Uncle Tom and Auntie Dearest Ginni are helping to plot another insurrection. While Swee' Stepford Amy is being told by her husband and their cult, ways to keep women and all minorities in their place. And my-o-my was our dear Moscow Mitch McMiserable stone faced, and what was with uptight Speaker-Creature Johnson's grimacing ? he looked like he could use a rum-coco or some good weed. :) -Rj

SickoRicko said...

Rj - Great descriptions!