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Thursday, March 07, 2024



Anonymous said...

My My Ricko Faggo! So much HATRED! Where’s all that peace and unity you people preach. What about TOLERANCE! That was the left wing mantra under Odumba! You see Ricko, you are a HYPOCRITE! You are a washed up old has been who fell for the Democrat bullshit and now your head is buried so deep in the Democrats asses you can’t see reality. You’ve been used by them for so many years. Just curious, which Democrat has given it to you up your ass that your so supportive of their hateful agenda. Asking for a Friend!

Xersex said...

@Anon. if T. wasn't a dangerous person, you might be - perhaps - right.

Mistress Maddie said...

Here we go again. And since he is still running and never got jailed in the last four years, (anyone dem or repub would have been jailed), if he wins, we're done and he'll be untouchable for another four years. And in the four years he will tear the country from stem to stern. Yet, they all seemed to drag their feet nailing him and holding him accountable. Again...why is he not in jail?!?!?!?!?

Never could stand the man since early days in New York leaving his unpaid bullshit and not paying contractors and other craftsmen their due money on his God like tacky complexes... he should have been paying a stylist who knew what they were doing.

Anonymous said...


JiEL said...

I agree with Mistress Maddie and as a Canadian I can say that I'll never understant how such a failed psychopath con man could be on an office ballot.

The first photo reminds me that our late Queen Elizabeth 2 had more balls than this twice dorged coward as she got to help in Londonm steet while they were bombarded.. NEVER the orange coward would do it.

He is a disgrace to the Presidency that many of those presidents were WWII heroes. Even Nixon served in the Pacific not to forget JFK who saved his companions.

USA deserve better than this trashy con man.

Milleson said...

My My Anonymous at 2:28AM! So Much HATRED! Where's all that peace and unity you people preach? What about TOLERANCE? That was the right wing mantra under tRUMP 45! You see Anonymous at 2:28AM, you are a HYPOCRITE! You are a washed up old/young has been who fell for the MAGA bullshit and now your head is buried so deep in the MAGAS asses you can't see reality. You've been used by them for so many years. Just curious, which MAGA has given it to you up your ass that you're so supportive of their hateful agenda? Asking for the majority of people in the world who see this OCHRE OGRE for the dangerous buffoon he is.
P.S. You need to find a life and a new speechwriter, your tirades are becoming redundant and you need to work on your punctuation, when you ask a question, follow it with a question mark. Must have missed that day in first grade, if you went to school at all. Have a lovely day...

SickoRicko said...

Milleson - Bravo!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 2:28- Deflection much ? You and your ilk need to pull your heads out of Trump's flatulent ass and wipe his orange shit from your faces !
Then all of you need to seek the help of a mental health professional, your continuous vitriol proves my point. -Rj