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Tuesday, March 05, 2024


Companies that allow this do not deserve my money,
because they are well within their rights to post
a "NO FIREARMS" sign at their entrances.


Xersex said...

#1 who knows if they realize their hypocrisy

Big Dude said...

Fuck the NRA and their whores in Congress.

whkattk said...

I don't mind guns, I grew up around guns, I was in the military for 9+ years. But these asshats are ridiculous - just like the meme says, it's all about "Look at me, notice me." The stores here --- even Target stores --- are posted "NO FIREARMS ALLOWED." Now, would they enforce it? Hardly---because the secuirty guards are unarmed.

Cdadbr said...

^^^^^ Imagine the quick responses when a bored gun carrier starts diddling with his gun, making some noise, as the legislators dally in their stupid comments! Let the "conservatives" really earn their keep by working for the good of the people rather than the lobbies quietly supporting them.

Milleson said...

That youngster with the open carry inferiority complex needs to make a sharp turn and shove that ammo clip up his misguided ass. Just sayin'

JiEL said...

Unbelievable from a Canadian poibt of view.
NEVER you could see such a behavior here in Canada and in most of the democratic counries.
Only in USA this is «possible» for such a ridiculous reason over the modern interpretation of your old outdated Constitution of the 18th century.

With all what is going on in USA I would no more want to visit mh=y friends in Delaware or Florida because the rate of mass shootings in USA are too dangerous.

Thank God we no more have «Target» stores here... LOL! (joke)

Anonymous said...

And the effen NRA, the true cowards they are, that pushed this open carry crap, won't even allow anyone to open carry at the premises of their headquarters. -Rj

taurus9311 said...

The intimidation tactics resemble the Brown Shirts in Nazi Germany. History repeats because memories are forgotten, lost, erased, or censored out of existence.