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Sunday, February 11, 2024



Cdadbr said...

Trump has besmirched the word "patriot" (and variations thereof) so badly it can be criminal. "Patriot" was somebody who participated in the American Colonies getting their freedom from England. They helped build the country, way back then. He co-opted the word to mean "People who believe like ME". YUK!!

Apparently "American History" has been deleted from being taught in the public (much less anything non-public!) schools as "old and irrelevant"? Or became an elective rather than one of the core subjects? Along with "US Government"?

I find it hard to believe that so many people have forgotten what was in those classes, if they took them. Which has been demonstrated to be about 40% of the current US population! IF they had remembered some of those things, they would have known, up front, that Trump was prevented from doing most of the things he claimed he could do! Especially telling private corporations how to run their business and where to put plants.

There are so many things the "conservatives" say and do which are contradictory, on the face of things! Yet few of them seem to have connected the dots of "consistency". Or there are too many things they can't understand, all at once.

In prior times, when such flakiness was discovered, people would sit down and wonder how they go to that place (of their own doing or just following along) and vow "Never again will I be that stupid!" In current times, there seems to be too many distractions from reality for that to happen. Maybe they can find that whils scrolling on their "social media devices"?

JiEL said...

tRumpet is way in the ditch with the way he uses the word «patriots».

Lately he did say that Haley's husband should be with her and not doing his duty as an American soldier and REAL patriot.
How can he dare, again, blaming your military him who did avoid going to war two times with a fake medical bone spur.

Also, where is Melenia? His own spouse is very rarely seen since he left the White House. Is she so ashame of him to no more be on his side in public?

SO M.I'm the best (idiot), stop throwing shit to the others and pick up your own one which is very very spilled all over USA's justice system.

Anonymous said...

Trump and his easily deceived acolytes dance and piss on the very graves of our war dead here in America and overseas. False patriots who wrap themselves in the American flag and would destroy our democracy for a so-called republic built around a dictatorship. This November is time to stop the lunacy. -Rj

Xersex said...

the problem is that T. "risks" winning.