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Monday, December 11, 2023



Big Dude said...

To the lady in the MAGA hat, go ahead and off yourself, ya dumb cunt.

usmcmike44 said...

Amen to that Big Dude!

Cdadbr said...

I suspect that most of the Trump supporters NEED A LIFE! There is MORE to this world that Trump and his family. Are THEY intelligent enough to realize this? No bets on that!

whkattk said...

Well, then, Karen....we hope you get your wish. The world could use a lot fewer dumbasses.

JiEL said...

When I see those memes like the first one I'm outraged, sad and discouraged of what USA has become for the way it's so easy for a politic group to go and gerrymander on the way voters can or cannot access to go and cast their vote.

Most of the democratic countries, like here in Canada, you would NEVER see that. We have a voting system on all levels, federal, provincial or municipal, which is under the guidance of an «independent» commitee and NO party would be allowed to intervene in the way the elections are held.

Most of all, we may have some «racial» issues but no way we would deny the sacred right of ALL our citizens to go and vote freely without any threats.

LeftField said...

I forget the name of a German film I watched; a family was watching Nazis march through the streets. The father calmly pointing out to his children, "He learned nothing in school, he learned nothing, he learned nothing." These were his former classmates.

So familiar...

SickoRicko said...

LeftField - And unfortunate.

Big Dude said...

Always glad to have a Marine back me up. I'll send my e-mail to Rick to forward to you, okay? If you want to get in touch, feel free to do so.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new for the republicans - Hitler apologists and isolationists in the 1930s, bait and smear McCarthyites in the 1950s, paranoid John Birchers in the 1960s, fluoridated water anyone! racist southern strategists of the 1970s. And the neo-conserative hacks of trickle-down economics of the 1980s. What leadership they provided/s - Harding, Hoover, Nixon, Reagan, Trump -a political legacy of extremism, greed and corruption, a veritable shit-fest.
Look out for the clowns that wrap themselves up in the American flag, devious traitors all. -Rj

SickoRicko said...

RJ - People wrapped in a flag and carrying a bible usually are neither.

Kevin Rhodes said...

I have some Kool-Aide she can have...

Xersex said...

last one: she's pathetic!

Big Dude said...

Rick says he does not have your email. Do you want mine?