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Friday, December 08, 2023


In the Wild West, a woman wearing a bonnet and a mask designed to protect her skin from sun damage was an iconic sight. The bonnet, which was often made of cotton or linen, served as protection against the harsh desert winds while also pro­viding shade for her face. Meanwhile, the mask was crafted out of materials like silk or muslin, with tiny holes cut into it to allow air cir­cu­la­tion. This combi­na­tion of style and practicality was essential in the days before sunscreen became widely available. Women of this era were strong-willed pioneers who weren't afraid to take risks.


whkattk said...

Sure looks bizarre....

And some folks nowadays bitched about those CV masks? LOL!!!

LeftField said...

Interesting, I would have thought that the upper classes would have worn them to remain pale, as workers were exposed to the sun.

Anonymous said...

Comme une épouse de la mort pendant une peste.
- Beau Me à Deauville