WARNING: This blog contains copious amounts of adult GAY material. If that's offensive to you, please leave now. All pix have been gleaned from the internets so, if you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

I REPEAT: If you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

Sunday, November 26, 2023


Today is Jerry's
75th Birthday!
We're having a big party at Noon.
You're all invited!

(Figuratively, of course.)


hsgisme said...

Happy birthday, Jerry!

JohnF said...

Happy birthday Jerry, hope you have a great day

GF said...

Happy Birthday, Jerry. Hope you have many more
with great health!

Big Dude said...

Happy birthday, Jerry. I'd love to cum-oops, COME- to your party.

Will said...

Happy Birthday, Jerry. Hope it's a good one. :)

gwb said...

Happy 75th Birthday Jerry wishing you many many more to come.

LeftField said...

Woo hooo!
Have fun, and Bhave.

Boz Bochner said...

Hauu'oli la hanau from Hawaii... hope you have a swell birthday!

Chris A said...

Happy 75th Birthday Jerry!!!

Cdadbr said...

Happy Birthday, Jerry! Hope your day is filled with joy. Hope you have many more! Thanks for providing this great blog for the enjoyment of all!!

JiEL said...

As all here, happy birthday Jerry with this nice milestone.

For the post I relly appreciate that those lovers are from all range of ages.

Too often older gay men are not shown and we too often see those cute younger ones and for some of us, they don't represent who we really are.

What is about my experience is that IF you find real LOVE in your younger times just try to keep it because later it's will be hard to find it again.

For me at 73yo I have no more hope to find LOVE.
I'm not sad about it and I live a happy life as an eternal single man.

Anonymous said...

PERGE! (as you normally would), Jerry. And Happy Birthday!

BatRedneck said...

Bon Anniversaire, Jerry !
Oh My! Is this honey cake from your Ma's Jewish-Recipe book I see over there?
I promise I'll behave at your party if only I can have a slice of it :-))

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said/

Happy Birthday Jerry. Oh, have a great time guys. Hey Jerry, I have to do a little checking, but does your Birthday ever fall on Thanksgiving Day? May I blast a "nut" off in you honor?

Wow awesome "affection posting" Rick!!

I can see and feel the love in all of these. All lovely love birds.

Next to last) Heck ya, when he's kissing you on the side of the neck, hang on for dear life, it's one of the greatest sensations.

Last pic) Something about a hand behind my neck or me doing it to someone, makes it really special.

Jeff said...


james said...

Happy Birthday greeting to you Jerry from Far Northen Australia. Wishing you a lovely birthday year ahead. A (virtual) hug.
xxxxx James

SFRowGuy said...

Happy Birthday Jerry^^

Henri said...

My best wishes in your 75th birthday. Have a great and an unforgettable day with Ricky and all your friends there, here, and everywhere. From Spain, hugs dear Jerry and Ricky, the best for you both. Henri/Enrique.

Anonymous said...

Feliz cumpleaños. Celebradlo como sabéis.🎊💋

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! You were 40 when I was born!

VRCooper said...

Happy Birthday Jerry!!

Many more years to come!!

Bobby b said...

Happy Happy Birthday
Best Wishes my friend
Be Blessed 🌈 Enjoy Life

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary. I'm a big fan of your blog, I love it!

Yves said...

Lots of fun for this special day!

Alan T said...

Happy birthday, Jerry. I love this blog!

Jimbo said...

Happy Birthday, Jerry!!

Hope you BOTH had a wonderful day celebrating! <3

Dune said...

Happy birthday Jerry. Have a great day

Xersex said...

happy Birthday!!! love your couple so much!

nerangatang said...

The happiest of birthdays to you Jerry. Send love and hugs from Gold Coast Australia.

whkattk said...

Happy birthday, Jerry! Hope he had a marvelous day!

SickoRicko said...

EVERYONE - Thank you all so much! I'm forwarding this to Jerry now.

Purple Wolf said...

Happy Birthday to Jerry! Best wishes & kisses to him for me.

Ivan Flint said...

1948 was a very good vintage for both of us

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said.

I'm a little late on this Jerry, but yes, your birthday can be on Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving can be as early as the 22nd and as late as the 28th!!

mark1147 said...

Tardy but heartfelt birthday greetings, Jerry! Hope you celebrated this milestone to a fare thee well ... and may you have a splendid year ahead (and plenty more milestones too!)