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Wednesday, September 20, 2023



Milleson said...

Do we humans have a soul? I think we do, I think we are born with a soul that needs to be developed as we age. A soul that is in our DNA and not held in a stranglehold by a supernatural maleficent invisible deity. A soul that exists within us and I feel mine inside my chest cavity constantly. A soul that gives me empathy for others as we suffer through this life, sympathy to feel someone's sorrow and the ability to comfort them if needed. A soul that knows right from wrong, good from evil and acts accordingly.

The defining moment I felt my soul shudder and ache was on 9/11, a debilitating pain that I held inside for 3 days until I realized it was coming from the 3000+ people who perished that day and had manifested in my chest, not knowing where they should go. I do not know why I took on this burden for these people but on the 4th day I somehow released them to continue their journey.

A soul is real and I am in control. Once people realize that nothing or no one can bless you if you believe in them or send you to eternal damnation in some fiery hell if you don't believe, they will possess and own their soul and are free to live a life of unfettered happiness. I see signs that this is happening. Church attendance is down and younger generations are questioning the stronghold organized religion has on the masses. This is good but as evidenced by the hateful rhetoric and actions of the World's religions, this will be a long time coming. The church becomes defensive as their power is usurped and history has recorded the many religious wars that murdered millions of people in the name of their god.

Our history is being recorded and the actions of a religious minority will not go unchallenged by the people who seek and know the truth. I live for that day but know this will not happen in my lifetime. A soul only lasts until I cease to be. Someone else needs to be there to pick up the gauntlet and fight on.

SickoRicko said...

Milleson - I appreciate your heartfelt comment. However, humans don't have a soul, just like there isn't a god.