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Sunday, September 17, 2023



JiEL said...

I'm eager to see the ending of USA's horror-comedy movie in 2024 and maybe before.

I saw on CNN and interview of a university policical professor that did mentionned that the «great electors» system is obsulate and not very «democratic» as it's not always reflecting the wish of ALL voters.

He even mentionned, what I always said, that the old outdated US Constitution needs an urgent update to the USA 21st century.

Not to forget that it's time to pass the torch from the baby boomers to the younger generations AND fix an age limit to the ones in public office.

Here in Canada as example, our Senators and Suprem Court justices are retired at 75yo.

Big Dude said...

I hope the nightmare will end soon.

JiEL said...

Maybe IF this Orange Conman can still spread his venom on internet will someone in USA's justice system could light up and put this parrot (sorry for the parrots) in JAIL without his cellphone.

I'm sure that his legal team of lawyers are trembling and freaking out with his crazy behaviors.

TO me and according to the «people's votes», he NEVER was the real president of the USA.