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Thursday, August 31, 2023



whkattk said...

The thing that strikes me is all the finger-pointing at governors... people need to remember that a governor cannot sign anything in to law that a legislature hasn't written.

DuhSantis, on the other hand, does more damage with his executive orders than any other governor in the country. Like refusing the climate change funding, refusing the covid money, firing prosecutors....

SickoRicko said...

Pat - At least he got very booed recently.

Anonymous said...

Rebulicants have always been four faced.
When hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey, they sat on their hands and would not vote for funding aid for months. When Houston was hit by severe flooding and Florida by hurricane Andrew, they provided aid and relief funds overnight.
I think it's time to let Florida and Texas pay for relief from their own funds and not the Federal trough, after-all they have always espoused 'states-rights' and getting one's bootstraps on. Thats why they and southern states are low tax states, they depend on Federal tax monies to pay for practically everything. The red states have received Federal aid and private investments by the billions of dollars, and after all these years and with Republican state governance they are still among the most corrupt and poorest states.

SickoRicko said...

Anon@3:09pm - You got that right.