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Monday, August 28, 2023


I just found this at Voenix Rising. Open to sign the petition...

Disqualify Donald Trump from Holding Public Office, Under the Constitution’s 14th Amendment


whkattk said...

Pile of Shit :: Drumph. Yep.

Cdadbr said...

The last item lays it all out in plain language, simple enough that anybody with three brain cells which talk to each other can understand. Apparently, anybody who continues to belove DJT only have two?

IF Republicans are about "small government", then they should get reps in the government who can really do something with a limited staff, which means the reps have to actually do things themselves. Rather than "talk a game" good enough to get re-elected, by blockading any real progress for the nation.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Rick, for re-posting the petition to disqualify Donald Trump from ever running from public office again (under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution). My husband and I saw it on Mark's blog and signed it this morning. We are calling on all good citizens to step out and be counted on this. It's past time for good citizenship and civic duty to come out of the closet! And gays can lead the way. As Jennifer Coolidge says "gays just know how to do stuff!"

Milleson said...

My name signed, sealed and delivered! Happy to be # 405,333. This is a petition from MoveOn.Org, working for us on many levels.

JiEL said...

To Cdardbr, Not only the Retrumplikkkans MAGA cult people don't even have two brain cells, they are so uneducated that they cannot read more than two articles of the US Constitution. The ones to suit their goal to rule USA...

OOPS! I forgot the FIFTH to be sure they cannot say anything to incriminate them and show how guilty they are...

To Anonymous 8h42, sadly I have a gay married couple friends (hic) of mine who lives in Delaware who are under no comprehension far right MAGA agressive disciples. So I'm sure there are other non sense such gays who are not understand the danger of this «orange pumpkin liarA..

Too bad that I'm a Canadian beccause I would sign that petition on the spot.

VRCooper said...


Pull off the damn band-aide.

I have been clamoring about this for over a year.

Hopefully, the momentum will increase.

Former Judge Luttig and American legal scholar Lawrence Tribe have done a white paper on this.

Let's get it done before it's too late.