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Thursday, June 08, 2023


Ding-dong, the whack-job is dead!!

Pat Robertson dies at 93

May he rot in hell!!


uptonking said...

What a truly terrible man. I can't believe all the misinformation he was responsible for. Can't wait for all those old creepy evangelists to croak. Whatever they think is waiting for them... well - it's not. So, I guess we can take comfort in that?

JiEL said...

I don't know that man and from the comment, seems he was some bad ass.

Anonymous said...

All those "evangelists" seem to live long lives. It's like their lord is in no hurry for them to join him!

Mistress Maddie said...

And we didn't even need the bucket of water.

Purple Wolf said...

Wish we could include gifs or emojis. I'd post fireworks going off and champagne toasts followed by an audience standing in a celebratory standing ovation.

Because he was mean and ugly, with a mean and ugly soul. To respond to JiEL's comment, he was a (in)famous TV evangelist, one of those evangelicals who kept vomiting hatred for anyone and everything related to LQBTQ+. His most frequent comments were that all the hurricanes and tornadoes are God's punishment of the US for allowing us basic human rights.

*And Rick...please note that so thatnot deleting my ass you will, trying (hard) to be kind to him is what I am doing.

Milleson said...

Soooooooooooo, I guess the thoughts and prayers weren't enough to keep him alive and spewing hate and venom toward the LGBTQ+ community. At least he's the start of what I hope will be a trend. So many more to go. C'mon Rick, I know you don't buy the fairytale, he isn't flying up to heaven to get his wings and halo and his soul isn't rotting in hell. No heaven, no hell. Just dead! In a box heading to a cemetery, his body pumped with chemicals, and decaying under 6 feet of dirt, from whence he came. DEAD...DEAD...DEAD!!! I'm just beside myself filled with grief. NOT!!! Have a nice day.

stache said...

Yay! : )

JiEL said...

@Purple Wolf,

Thank you to tell me, as a Canadian, who was really that «piece of Sh..t».

We up here have not such ass holes in religious extremists. Those who would dare say a fraction of what this one seems to have said, would be prosecute in court for difamation and all right sexist messages.

It's so sad that in USA in the name of the First Amendment and free speech right, those thugs can do and say anything even spreading hate at large.
Worse are those uneducated people that are litterally drinking this cool aid.

Thank God, I live in Montreal Canada.

taurus9311 said...

Plus, we must revile him for his racking in money from his followers with all the rhetoric and hate. Seems these "evangelical preaches" like money and hide behind their so-called God-filled message of obtain it and then hide it from the authorities. What a con game!

SickoRicko said...

PurpleWolf - Oh, I would never delete this comment!

Milleson - Ya know, I almost put a disclaimer about hell on this.

Taurus - They're such hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said...

ON radio or TV, if I mistakenly turn on a screaming preacher, I turn the station so fast.

I think I told this to you Rick once before, I had a very bad experience when I went to a Catholic school, and something happen that did a # on me.

What I'm grateful for though is I never went trough guilt about be gay. So many people did but I didn't go through that. It was just so natural to me.

Mistress Maddie said...

Love the comments!!!! But we really shouldn't speak bad about the dead. I agree with Bette Davis.

"You should never say bad things about the dead, you should only say good… Pat Roberston is dead. Good."

SickoRicko said...

Scott - I'm glad you never had guilt about being gay.

Maddie - I wasn't sure where your comment was going, but I'm glad it went where it did!

hsgisme said...

Perfect comment, Mistress! When I heard this news, I honestly think that was the first thing I thought...

whkattk said...

Personally? I hope he's finding out that Hell is exactly where he's going for all the nasty things he did in his lifetime.

usmcmike44 said...

Wonder what he will do when he arrives at the Pearly Gates of Heaven and realizes it was all a fairy tale? LMFAO !!!

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said...

OH I didn't know where the Mistress was going either until he mentioned "Bette Davis" THEN I knew...LMAO.. I know she said it about Joan Crawford!!

I love Youtube, because you can watch interview's from years ago.

Mistress Maddie said...

That you even knew that she said that of Joan Crawford gives you a free blow job Scott!!!!!!

Bryan said...

An opening on my Better Dead List! "I'm keeping a little list, of those who won't be missed!"

Gene Perry said...

Mother taught me to always say nice things about the dead. Robertson's dead. That's nice.