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Monday, June 05, 2023


This is amazing...

For a short article about this, go to...


Xersex said...

ohhhh so nice!

Milleson said...

If for some reason at the end of today I would lose my eyesight, I would be content knowing I had seen this perfect blending of mechanical engineering and artistic expression. This is what can be conceived and achieved by the human brain when it isn't consumed by the malicious hate and anger so prevalent in our world now. We are fortunate to have artisans and craftsmen that take this direction and create these undeniable true works of art, just for art's sake. Sadly, many of the arts and music curricula in our schools is being defunded and objects like this birdbath will not see life. But I am hopeful that in the generations ahead, when all the soccer, football and baseball stadiums have crumbled to dust, somewhere in the world, someone will be listening to a symphony by Mozart and viewing a painting by Monet, and they will know what was truly important to the human race.

jsstrand said...

Completely fascinating!! Reminds me of the automatons of several hundred years ago -

BatRedneck said...

I was enthusiastic about commenting on this fascinating piece of engineered art, but Milleson said it all better than I would. Thank you Richard. Thanks to the both of you :-)

SickoRicko said...

Milleson - Well said!