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Thursday, May 04, 2023



  1. PRAISE THE LARD!!!!!!!!!!! bwahahahahahahhahahahaha! My side hurt!!! Good one!

    That he is even allowed to run for re-election is appalling to me. Years ago, if a candidate had just one skeleton or tick he was considered damages goods and wouldn't run or win.

    My... how morals and standards have fallen.

  2. You know as an American, Marine Veteran and life long Independent I am truely sadened by the way 30% or maybe a little more of this country is headed. If the Lard Bucket is elected in 2024 I'm afraid that the shit will really hit the fan. Add along with that the daily mass murder going on and you're almost at a point of not even going to the grocery store anymore for the fear of being shot. So much for the Home of the Brave and land of the Free.

    1. I'm sure what we have in the US now is NOT what you were defending. Thank you for your service. It encourages me when men like you are against the Orange Turd and his "swallowers." (As one of my friends calls his followers.). I have a neighbour/buddy who was in the Marines, and he feels the same as you do.

  3. I agree with usmcmike44!!! 30percent of all americans are nuts. You cant possibly believe that the crooked liar we have in office now is a good example of a commander in chief!!!! If he becomes president again we will see the shit hit the fan!!!!!

  4. I will say THAT prayer. And repeat it.

    @ Anon - "...the crooked liar we have now..."? As opposed to Mr. Pussy Bone Spurs who lies every time he opens his mouth? Mr. "I know more than the generals"? The only time Don the Con didn't lie is when he said, "Tell the lie enough times and people believe it."

    Our current Commander-in-Chief at least has enough sense to know his generals and advisers are smarter about military matters than he is.

  5. As a Canadian witnessing the TV show of USA's 2024 serie, it's unbelievable how such a «liar-conman-indicted» «man» can even shovel in your throats that he is the «savior» of the «American Way of Life».

    Most of all also unbelievable that 30% of your citizens are so blinded by all his lies and fake facts.

    Here in Canada, and we aren't better, but if one politician would say and act like him, he would be immediatly disqualified from any attempt to be elected.

    IF he gets to the 2024 election going through all of those indictements, it will say alot about your lack of the justice system and worse, if he gets elected president for the second time.

  6. " it will say alot about your lack of the justice system and worse,if he gets elected president for the second time." You got that right Jiel. If he get elected a second time this country is full of milky toast and bat shit crazy rejects who are just upset that they can't act like racist bigots and shoot off their immature mouths. I will have no more faith in this country or justice system again.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.