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Tuesday, April 18, 2023



JiEL said...

I'm Canadian living in Montreal and this first one is REAL not a fake.
It doesn't mention that those «school» shootings weren't also in high school too.

NB. We also have mental health issues but without being able to purchase some mass shooting weapons except on the black market, we have rarely such mass shootings here.

Yes, GUNS and too much GUNS are the main reason you have so many deaths.
AND HATE and FEAR of the other mostly racist people are also poisonning your society.
That young black shot by that old 84yo man was about fear of a black guy wrongly ringing at his door. He over reacted without any brain.

Another lady shot because she got in a driveway wrongly and backing up she was shot by the owner of that house just for no reason.

Seems that in USA the «shoot and ask questions after» is becoming a bad habit.

taurus9311 said...

What really upsets me the most is that my government is supposed to protect my safety. It's part of why I pay my taxes. Instead my government protects the gun owner's rights and increases the threats and risks to me. I'm vulnerable and unarmed but have to fear being killed or maimed by the gun owner. Is this sensible? Yet, if I quit paying my taxes or get involved in protests, I'm thrown in jail. The concept of governance for the citizen has been destroyed.

SickoRicko said...

Taurus - It really seems it's no longer "By the people, for the people."