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Monday, April 17, 2023



Big Dude said...

Fuck every Nazipublican on every level.

Cdadbr said...
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JiEL said...

It's always sad from outside USA to see how ONE party can change laws or voting rights with such an easy way.

Thinking of how you can say that USA is THE exemplary democracy in the whole world.
Any rights in USA are always in jeopardy when GOP are in power and seems to pulling down the country to the mid 20th century.

More and more, your politic system is no more in phase with the rest of the democratic countries in the world because your «old» constitution isn't uptaded to align to the 21str century world.

Just agaib to point out that damn Second Amendment wrongly understood by too many Americans and hostaged by the NRA for profits.

My country (Canada) isn't perfect but I wouldn't even think of living in USA.
We renewed our 1867 Constitution in 1982 adding our Canadian Charter of Rights and Liberties which assure every Canadian to be protected no matter race, sex or religion.

Cdadbr said...

The problem with renewing our USA Constitution now is that Republicans would highjack it to their benefit. Although I liked the 1960s in the USA, being a white person, it was not so good for other skin colors, by observation.

In more current times, Republicans seem to be more about shifting blame to others . . . for the same things THEY are and have been doing for a long time, by observation. They are the KINGS of Cancel Culture.

Over time, although they might disagree, it seems to me that Republicans have had a hand in all of the ills which plague our USA society. Due to them "not wanting to spend any money" or preventing others from spending money on social items. As they sit in their gated-community world, isolated from all of these things, many times.

Then the Democrats get into power, try to right those wrongs, and get demonized for it. I really liked when Obama dug us out of the GWBush recession, as Republicans said what he was doing would not work. When it did work, they claimed it would have happened sooner if THEY had done it. Key thing, they did NOT do it or try to help . . . just resist and seek to discredit when he did what they had failed to do themselves. There have been many "wake up calls" for them, but they ignore them. BTAIM

taurus9311 said...

The problem with renewing or updating a constitution is that if one party is more powerful than others, it will change the constitution in their favor or eliminate it entirely. The two party system in the US is out of balance, just like its economic system. t