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Sunday, April 16, 2023


By Andy Borowitz - April 14, 2023

Ginni Thom­as Vows Not to Let Hus­band’s Prob­lems Inter­fere with Her Work on Supreme Court

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Ginni Thomas has reas­sured the Amer­i­can people that she is doing every­thing in her power to keep her hus­band’s mounting ethical issues from inter­fering with her work on the United States Supreme Court.

Acknowledging that her hus­band’s con­tro­versies were a “dis­trac­tion,” Thom­as said, “They shouldn’t keep me from doing the im­portant work I was sent here to do.”

“There are reproductive rights to shred and environmental protections to erase,” she said. “Regardless of the mess Clarence has gotten himself into, I need to keep my focus.”

Calling her post as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court “a job I’ve loved for the past three decades,” Thomas said, “I’m hopping mad that Clarence would do anything to jeopardize that. But anyone who thinks that I’m giving less than a hundred per cent to my work doesn’t know what Ginni Thomas is made of.”


Cdadbr said...

A GREAT satire which many might perceive is truth, unfortunately. Also, it MIGHT be closer to the truth than many might suspect. Quite amusing to read! Thanks for posting, Rick!

No doubt, some conservative will have a knee-jerk reaction and call the whole article "false"?

LeftField said...

She's the greatest Supreme Court Justice this nation has every had!

Mistress Maddie said...

He knows what's going on, but at the rate they both don't crooked things, even if the article is to be believed, one of the other is going to take the other one out, taking them both down.

Milleson said...

Satire notwithstanding, that bitch needs to be slapped up one side and down the other. Where does the GOP find these Gorgons?

Jimbo said...

Oh, I think I know what Ginni Thomas is made of...! 8D

Andy Borowitz is reliably hilarious! Thanks Rick!