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Friday, March 31, 2023



Milleson said...


I started doing my happy dance yesterday when I saw the news and will not stop until my legs won't hold me up anymore.

One small trickle for the rule of law, one giant gusher of lawsuits to come!

Thank you Stormy Daniels, I love you and your massive cleavage!!

Does anyone know how to throw an indictment party? If you do, please invite me. I'll bring the champagne!!!

SickoRicko said...

Milleson - Happy Days indeed!

Cdadbr said...

This first lawsuit might be a bit weak as it can involve "definitions", by observation. BUT the later ones should be much stronger, with more obvious bad things in them.

Seeing Melania and Donald in the same bed, nekkid, would be "the definition of contrasts", to say the least. Sorry for that mental picture!

Bad thing is that unless the lawsuits happen quickly, Donald might be dead of natural causes. THEN comes the rest of the family.

JiEL said...

With all I see and hear on the TV, not sure that all those law suit will get him out of the Presidential 2024 race.

Worse, even Rhonda Santis is going Trump's way and many MAGA-GOP Congressmen and Congresswomen and Senators too.

He will take advantage, as he always do, of the situation saying it's, again, a witch hunt and that he is a victim of a democrate judge or prosecutor.

That is a weakness of the judiciary system in USA as all over your political and courts system ALL are Republicans or Democrats.

That is a stain on the impartiality of the Justice sytem and allows the Orange Turd and his sheeps followers to accuse them of «witch hunt» for the left.

I cannot honnestly consider or imagine him as the future president after ALL he did in the past.
How can a so called Christian country allows this crook pedophile adultary moron to take office again.

Some Evangelicals supporting him will be going to hell for pactisising with the Devil.

Rad said...

The Trump dam has finally been cracked. The pressure is at the point of catastrophic failure. This is point when all of the GOP that worship him are still obliviously afloat in the reservoir. This is the end of that party in the scope and scale that they have wallowed in these past 6 years. Their snark and arrogance is now about to bite them all in the ass. Sure, some MAGA factions will splinter off, but the term "Republican" is now seen as tarnished and rotted. I do believe that it will be a long time before they hold any form of non-stolen power.

I can only hope that by the time they perp walk the motherfucker, by the end of the walk, Georgia sends a car to pick him up, and then the Feds.

SickoRicko said...

Cdadbr - I really hope he spends some time in an orange jumpsuit before he croaks.

JiEL - There's a stain on our justice system alright.

Rad - "Rotted" being the key word.

Big Dude said...

I am still not holding my breath that anything will come of this. Lock him up.

SickoRicko said...

Big Dude - Honestly, I'm not holding my breath either.

whkattk said...

He will most likely be convicted but don't wait for any jail time on these charges. And any trial is going to be a long time coming due to the way the justice system works in New York.
The Feds and GA have a better chance of moving to trial before NY does.