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Friday, January 27, 2023


Berlin Memorial

What better proof that:
There Is No gawd.


LeftField said...

These sorts of photos have always been hard for me. Thank you for sharing. I tell people, "If anyone ever denies the Holocaust, you call them a LIAR right to their face." I have seen the faces of Germans who lived with the realization of what they did or did not do.

VoenixRising said...

And I don't wanna hear anyone say, "It can't happen here." If the last seven—yes, it's been SEVEN years since our own wannabe Hitler descended that escalator—this country is full of people who would gladly follow this same path. It most certainly CAN happen here if they even gain the majority.

bobbert said...

We forget at our peril...beware the deniers too, as it is always too easily repeated when we do forget or listen to these voices, remember what happened in Balkan States in the early 1990's!

Ramón said...

For the past 30 years an impressionist drawing of Anne Frank, drawn by Ángel Botello hangs above my computer. I was fortunate to have been a schoolboy when at the age of 11 we read her diary. It left an indelible impression on me, and the message imprinted on me says that if it happened to them, it can happen to me.

If you are a book reader, I recommend "Hitler's American Model" The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law by professor James Q. Whitman.

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said...

I mean I know it happened, but can't believe it happened. I shake my head in disbelief. How could we let it happen?

Right now, Russia and the Ukraine, I just don't get it.

whkattk said...

There is so much proof that if people who believed used the brains they were born with, they'd choke on it all.

Anonymous said...

Petit garçon, je ne comprenais pas les discours que ma grand mère ( une survivante ) ,même a la limite, mon frère et moi nous la trouvions trop alarmante.....merci Mamie de m'avoir appris que la confiance et le miroir de méfiance , car l'ambiance actuelle ... n est pas a la tolérance.....

SickoRicko said...

Anon@5:01am - L'atmosphère actuelle est très dangereuse.

Anonymous said...

L'atmosphère actuelle est binaire.... aucune possibilité d une troisième ligne ...le monde est noir ou blanc...est ignore le gris...

Anonymous said...

Oups ..et ignore le gris

BatRedneck said...

ELEVEN MILLION were eradicated in the most cruel and vicious ways.
To get the the idea, it would be like eradicating the whole population from Belgium from the world.
Or Cuba's, or Haiti's or Sudan's. (I have no doubt the three laters would raise a gluttonous smile on any fascist's face)

Not teaching History as it happened leads, at 'best', morons sporting a svastika tattoo. At worse they end-up mass-shooting a Drag's reading session or even storming a Capitol.

Meanwhile, the so-called jewish plot set in order to control the world is ran by the very ones these low-educated retarded praise and are the cannon fodder of.
Decidedly, humanity will never learn.

SickoRicko said...

Laurent - Unfortunately, you are not wrong.

VRCooper said...

Some say the Holocaust did not happen.


What more proof do you need.

I have been to the Holocaust Museum in DC. Wrenching.

If the enablers don't speak up we are doomed to repeat the past.

Xersex said...

there'a also an homocaust!