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Wednesday, January 04, 2023


Animal abusers should be put to DEATH...

rescue box
of kittens
thrown off

More images...


Mistress Maddie said...

And I would gladly head up that department Ricko!!!!! I get mad when I hear about abusing animals, but if I actually see it I go like a nuclear bomb let me tell you. I would have no problem punishing people the way they abused animals .. if they were in a box and throne off a bridge well then so would they. Sealed of course with over 30 layers of crazy glue tape

Big Dude said...

I am not what most would consider an animal lover, but if I were to catch someone abusing an animal, there could well be violence involved. Whoever did this to those kittens should be drawn and quartered, have his cock cut off and stuffed down his throat, the tortured.

Jimbo said...

The ONLY thing that redeems these stories and makes them such a pleasure to read is the outpouring of love & rescue that always follows the cruel mistreatment of these blameless sweethearts. This is the kind of reconnaissance mission you might expect would be reserved solely for other people but here it is extended for the benefit of a box of kittens.

As well it should be.

Thanks, Rick.

LeftField said...

I just find this sort of behavior so utterly disgusting.

Anonymous said...

I really do not understand the cruelty in some humans. What must their parents have done to them to create such monsters. I, like the other commenters, would likely go off on anyone I saw do this heinous act.
A thank you to the brave firefighters who rescued these kitties.

One more note, the soul less coward who clicked "awful" is most likely one of these pathetic sub-human ghouls.

Anonymous said...

Scott from Massachusetts said...

I think all the previous comments expressed everything that I was thinking but they said it so much better.

The only thing I don't totally agree with is anonymous @ 5:31 pm, its not always the parents fault, many sicko's came from loving and caring parents.

Xersex said...

These stories break my heart, first because they happen. But my heart is consoled because there are people who make amends for these gratuitous acts of cruelty, without any reason.

whkattk said...

The story didn't say how they knew there were kittens in the box.... If someone witnessed the box being tossed off the bridge, I sure hope the person doing it was found and arrested.

SickoRicko said...

Pat - I hope so, too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is there an echo in here?