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Monday, August 01, 2022


What? The? Fuck?


jr said...

Repubs are insane.

JiEL said...

When I see such «idiot» police intervention in USA, I'm not surprised as this «guns issue» in your country is going more and more crazy.

A country where «ALL lives matter» but carrying with a AR-15 is now OK in many red states. These weapons is anything but «mass killings» potential in the hands of criminals or idiots like those teenagers we saw lately.

SickoRicko said...

Jr - And Evil!

JiEL - It's insane, as Jr said.

Anonymous said...

They only use an AR-15 because the gun control lobby has fixated on it. Fixate on another gun and they'll carry that.

(An aside: No, you can't support gun control and be a leftist. But trusting the state 100%, watching Democrats adopt Reagan's tough on crime language, is fash.)

A surprising number of states where brass knuckles or knives longer than a certain length are illegal. Those laws are, if course, unconstitutional.

Now to understand mass killings, are we ignoring white fragility and racist and misogynist ideology again? I don't understand why nobody bothers to go after the Aryan Brotherhood. I mean, I do understand why, but the reasons disgust me.

uptonking said...

Well, at least they busted the creep on something. How very scary. Why do people feel the need to intimidate?

Anonymous said...

Eh, I'm the Reagan years, they supported gun control essentially because they were afraid of black militants.

(And this should surprise literally no one familiar with the history of gun control: Basically it was used before that to keep slaves and Indians from getting guns.)

The current alignment is just one more ultraconservative position adopted by Bill Clinton. The funny thing? People under 50 simply Do Not Care. No wedge issues for these voters. Most of us more hate Clinton's other ultraconservative positions lifted from Reagan and Gingrich (deregulation, mostly).

But I guess it plays well at the all-white country club.

SickoRicko said...

Anon@4:29am&4:38am - I'm going out on a limb and assuming both comments are the same person. (Yes, I know what happens when one assumes.) You're obviously very knowledgeable and you made excellent points. So many things brought us to where we are today.